Land Ice sheet melts are on the way

Recent public Climate Science Articles are indicating that Ice Sheet Melting, in both Greenland and Antarctica, will be faster than former conservative estimates.

Ignoring the findings, climate denial websites would prefer us to concentrate on the growing extent of temporary Antarctic Sea Ice, that is the stuff that is frozen sea water which grows in the Southern Hemisphere winter away from the Antarctic Continental Margins, and its growth or shrinkage is most dependent on seasonal air temperatures.

Antarctic maximum sea ice extent has been increasing. The recent stranding of a few Ice ships was a minor media sensation. Cyclonic winds that circle the Antarctic Continent, are below freezing, have been stronger in intensity, despite having a warming trend. There is reduced mixing of the icy cold surface layers of water, which are less dense, with deeper warmer layers, which reach Antarctica margins. The seasonal sea ice extent has no effect on sea levels. It does help cool the Earth with its albedo effect.


The Antarctic Land Ice Sheets are what matters for Global Sea Level Rise. And the Antarctic Land Ice mass has been decreasing. The ice on the continent is being shed at an accelarating rate.


Also reported was an independent study looking at West Antarctica glacier retreat.

"We conclude that this sector of West Antarctica is undergoing a marine ice sheet instability that will significantly contribute to sea level rise in decades to come."  The commentary here was that this melt is likely to accelarate.


And just in case the reader is starting to become insensitive to more bad climate change news, here is an indication that the Greenland Ice Sheets will also contribute to sea level rise faster than previously thought.


There is a nice graphic on how the warmer, deeper ocean water, erodes the grounding point of Antartica land based glaciers.

The melting process of land ice sheets appears to be irreversible and likely to accelerate. The most recent IPCC reports do not take this into account.


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