Meet with us

This is just a website.  For a real flavor of ParraCAN, you need to meet the people.

Start becoming the change you wish to see, become involved.

Some of the keenest members of ParraCAN regularly attend our meetings, for support, planning actions and events.  A number of sub-groups work on a number of projects in which they have most interest or importance, which may be connected to other environment and social groups.

Meetings are currenlty held in Parramatta, at the The Hills Holroyd Parramatta Migrant Resource Centre

Our regular meetings mostly occur on the  4th Thursday of each month, 7:00 - 9:30 pm, barring exceptions which will be notified of from time to time. Meetings start 7pm promply, so if you're late, you may have to ring someone inside to let you in. If you want to come along, its best to check with and notify one of the contacts people.



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