Renewable Energy beats Smokestack Energy for all time

Renewable Energy offers far better prospects for Australia's Future. Its cheaper, cleaner, more reliable, more flexible and versitile, than that old 19-20th Century technology of dirty smokestack plants, that we call "baseload" power, for want of a more pejorative word.

Renewable Energy encompasses several different kinds of technologies. Solar PV and Wind Energy are the best known, and have come far down in costs per kWh, and gone up in ability to provide power on a large scale.

Concentrated Solar Thermal Energy is commercially proven.  Large arrays of heliostats that track the Sun, and focus energy on a heat absorbing power tower.  Some working installations provide energy at nighttime, using dense heat energy storage systems such as Molten Salt (not the same as table salt).

To move to zero carbon emissions electricity, and have reliable electricity with reduced environmental side effects, renewable energy is the only positive way to go for Australia.

Mark Deisendorf on Occam's Razor.

Its time to move your money and superannuation out of risky fossil fuel businesses. Climate proof your investments, and protect your climate future at the same time.

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